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Residence 2

in Platin

Jahr der Zertifizierung: 2014
Bruttogeschoßfläche: 9.535 m²

Objektbewertung: 84,00%
Ökologische Qualität: 82,90%
Ökonomische Qualität: 98,60%
Soziokulturelle und funktionale Qualität: 81,60%
Technische Qualität: 76,00%
Prozessqualität: 77,50%

Standortbewertung: 80,80%

Über das Projekt

RESIDENCE 2 office building has been put up in the center of Buda, an elegant neighbourhood of the 2nd district Víziváros.

The complex located only one block from the busy traffic of Margit körút and Fő utca, in the area bordered by the quiet Ganz and Kacsa, utca, is within short walking distance from the main transport junctions of Inner Buda, Moszkva tér and Batthyány tér. Both office buildings are excellently accessible by car and public transport.

RESIDENCE 2 features eight storeys with a total of 5,500 m² rental area, two floors of which host the underground garage with 79 parking spaces.
The lobby and central reception with a compelling clear height and surrounded by glass walls, is located on the ground floor of the building, while in the back section a café is going to be established along the passage and the walkway leading to the other office building. Also in this building, the office floors can be flexibly customised to tenants’ requirements: both open plan office space of various sizes or smaller units can be set up.